We tried to Shazam lung sounds to identify respiratory disease in children.
Read our paper entitled
DeepBreath—automated detection of respiratory pathology from lung auscultation in 572 pediatric outpatients across 5 countries
🏆 Huge congrats to our phenomenal research team #studentpower who made this meticulous work possible Julien Heitmann, Jonathan Doenz, Juliane Dervaux, Giorgio Mannarini, Deeksha Shama, Tatjana Chavdarova, Daniel Hinjos García Daniel Müller Nicolas Delamaide, Aslı YÖRÜSÜN, Kimia Mohsenian
🏥 We had the honor of collaborating with the stellar clinical team at HUG - Hopitaux Universitaires de Genève led by Alain Gervaix, and the Onescope team Alexandre Perez, Johan N. Siebert Alban Glangetas Mohamed Rida Benissa, in #brazil #senegal #cameroon and #morocco
❤️ Thank you to the hundreds of little patients and their caregivers across 5 countries who contributed their breath sounds when they were feeling unwell
We hope that this work can help make objective respiratory exams more accessible in the future.
Our work will be integrated into the #pneumoscope digital stethoscope from Onescope that you can see in the news story linked above.